What We Believe
- God is beyond our ability to imagine.
- Jesus Christ is God in human form.
- Through His Holy Spirit, God indwells and guides Christ’s followers.
- People are important to God.
- God’s forgiveness through Jesus is the only way to have a relationship with God.
- Obedience and trust are how we grow in our relationship with God.
- We are most fulfilled when we are closest to God.
- The Bible is God’s perfect manual for the best life.
- Nothing in reality just happens; God made and guides it all.
- God’s people serve others, just like Jesus did.
- God allows evil to provide us with a choice of trust. God can bring good out of evil events, and God promises victory over evil to those who choose him.
- Heaven and Hell are real places. Death is a beginning, not the end.
- We understand the Bible to teach what some call the “traditional family,” that is, marriage should be between a man and woman and based on a covenant.
For a more complete statement, including Bible verses, CLICK HERE.