There are a variety of ways to connect with the 17:6 Network…


Financial Support

Attend a Network Event

Join the 17:6 Network


With a vision as big as “turning the world upside down,” prayer is a major contributor to our advancement and success. You can join in praying for the Network, the pastors and churches part of the network and next generation of leaders we are raising up.

Financial Support

If the Lord leads you or your church to contribute financially to the mission and vision of the 17:6 Network, you can send donations to:
17:6 Network
1750 Beach Street
Fort Worth, TX 76103

Attend a Network Event

From 1999 to 2018 members of the 17:6 Network, together with other ministry leaders in the US and overseas, have gathered in Fort Worth, TX, at least twice a year to attend conferences by Harold Bullock.

In 2022, the 17:6 Network started the Relevate Conference series which takes place in early November. At Relevate Conferences, our goal is to elevate Jesus as we cover relevant and helpful topics. Join us for the next Relevate Conference to learn more about the 17:6 Network and meet people from 17:6 Network churches.

Join the 17:6 Network

The 17:6 Network is a group of churches who voluntarily cooperate to further the Network’s vision and mission. Ideally, the whole church sees the vision of being a multiplying, life changing church and is committed to working together toward our mission. In our experience, the Senior Pastor is the first to see the vision and need for our mission. It requires a great deal of intentionality and commitment from senior leadership to see a life changing culture develop in the church. This is core to our mission. For this reason, entry level membership in the 17:6 Network is focused on the pastor’s willingness to lead his church to give financially to further its vision and mission and to develop a life changing church culture.

It will take time for the church to gain a vision for being a life changing culture – and a longer amount of time to exhibit the culture of a life changing church. Our goal is to provide training for staff and lay leaders to help the Pastor lead the church to become life changing. Our current training programs are designed to help churches at various stages along the spectrum in regard to the life changing process and culture. Therefore, 17:6 Network membership is tiered to allow the Senior Pastor to get connected and start leading his church toward becoming life changing and multiplying. As the church gains traction in these, more training opportunities open up.


Tier 1 Membership

The Senior Pastor…

  • Covenants to lead his church toward the mission and values of Network churches and affirms the Statement of Faith for the Network.
  • Agrees to relate by the Heart Attitudes and work to maintain unity in the Network.

Tier 1 Benefits: Access to Horizon (basic discipleship training program).

Tier 2 Membership

The Senior Pastor…

  • Covenants to lead his church toward the mission and values of Network churches and affirms the Statement of Faith for the Network.
  • Agrees to relate by the Heart Attitudes and work to maintain unity in the Network.
  • Leads the church to begin to give to the Network (with a goal of increasing Network support over time to build the future).

Tier 2 Benefits: Access to NorthStar (entry level leadership training program).

Tier 3 Membership

The church…

  • Covenants to be a part of the Network.
  • Adopts and implements the Network Mission & Values (Heart Attitudes & Personal Project Values).
  • Begins to give aggressively to the Network with a goal of increasing Network support to build the future.  (The pastor has led the church this direction.).

Tier 3 Benefits: Access to additional training programs and to the 17:6 Network Cohorts.

Tier 4 Membership

Tier 4 membership is “By invitation only”.

17:6 Network leadership would qualify the congregation for this level of involvement.  The training programs at this tier are dependent on the existence of a Value Shaping church culture.

The church has…

  • Established a *Value-Shaping culture as shown in its…
    • Level of community.
    • Organizational development.
    • Leadership selection process.
  • Value Shaping culture is the term the 17:6 Network uses to define what we mean by a Life Changing Church.  A definition of these aspects of church life, as they relate to the training environment needed for effective training at this level, and specific markers that indicate the leadership selection process along with a certain degree of community and organizational development will be established.
    • Demonstrated a heart for teaming with the 17:6 Network for resourcing the future.

Tier 4 Benefits: Access to Antioch Project and additional high level training programs (not yet developed).