Kingdom Culture Defined

A Kingdom Culture is a culture where churches and ministries are trying to treat each other like scripture says and working together in a way that expresses who Christ is.

A person lives based on what they value and what they consider more important. Jesus made this clear in Matthew 6:21, “Where your treasure is there your heart will be also.” What a person values or treasures sets the direction for his or her heart and life. 

Why Kingdom Values?

Our vision is to create Life Changing Churches.  A culture created by Kingdom Values is an optimal environment for life change.  A Value Shaping Ministry (VSM) helps people learn to obey the things highly important to the Lord, such as how we treat God, how we treat people and how we live life.

Many Value Shaping Ministries are focused on certain relational values, The Heart Attitudes, and certain values for living, Project Values, in order to create Kingdom Cultures.   These attitudes and values are lived out by leaders and flavor the churches’ organization, activities and events.

By developing a church where leaders set the example in living the values and the “atmosphere” reflects them, in that church a culture grows that…

Is attractive to non-believers.

Reflects and illustrates what the Bible teaches, so that newer believers more quickly “get the picture” of what the Christian life is about.

Is pleasing to the Lord for it honors in practical ways the things that honor Christ.